Martial Arts

The trio cautiously approaches the clearing. Panel shows shadowy figures around a bubbling cauldron, chanting ominously.

The immortal woman practicing magic again, more fiercely than before.

A news reporter facing the camera in the city

The immortal woman reaches out, placing a comforting hand on the other immortal woman arm.

A female character with long pale blonde hair, purple eyes, a four pointed star on her forehead, and a white cloak, scre...

A female character with long pale blonde hair, purple eyes, a four pointed star on her forehead, and a white cloak, scre...

The warrior man notices the Laughing Freeman's symbol on amulets.

Dynamic action panel. The warrior man, sword flashing, charges into the hooded figures. His band fights alongside him, a...

The warrior man and the Laughing Freeman battle.

Close-up on the warrior man worried face. He holds a single, muddy footprint.

The warrior man lying on his back, looking at the stars.

The wolves stop snarling, sit down and stare intently at the warrior man.

They push open the massive temple doors, revealing a dimly lit hallway. Torches flicker on the walls, casting eerie shad...

The warrior man and the villager in a closer panel.

The warrior man charging towards the beast, dodging its talons.

The warrior man leading the group, a confident smile on his face.

Everyone around the campfire laughing and sharing stories, with the warrior man genuinely laughing.

Katsuki bakugo mad

Man making rocks fly with black on

The sorcerer reveals himself – it's the Laughing Freeman, more sinister than ever.


Two boys in the style of black and white parasyte manga fighting at school

A Black cat whit a fox like tail whearing a hoody

The warrior man hesitates, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face, the laughter fading.

The travelers scatter in fright, the warrior man chases after them, laughter ringing through the jungle.

The warrior man crouches low, eyes keen. He spots a group of travelers ahead, heartbeats audible in his ears.

Guy with a white and black trench coat with long brown hair

The warrior man alone, the jungle now dark around him.

Close-up on the woman’s calm face

Yaku a warrior man POV, focusing on the woman from a distance, a small smile forming as he watches her

Yaku a warrior man is seen stalking through the underbrush, his movements silent and precise. The background shows vague...

Girl naked

Hades, resolute, steps forward.

Hades and Echo walking together, the shadows growing louder.

The same grove, with the Shade Whisperers standing together.

Hades, with a pained expression, and Echo, looking determined.

in the park

The last truck drives away. The warehouse is momentarily quiet. Tommy and Marcus exchange another look, a silent agreeme...

Tommy the bad boy and Emily exchange excited glances.

Detroit style Streetwear of a monkey retail storen

Tommy’s the bad boy expression hardens with resolve as he straightens his back.

Black girl with lip gloss black braids gold nose piercing with bonnet sleeping in bed