School Life

A very very big snake

The hooded figure points into the mist

The two immortal women's victorious, standing over defeated trolls. The centaur leader is freed.

The immortal man and his wife walk away, carrying the berries, but their expressions have returned to a thoughtful serio...

The backside of a female character with long light blonde hair and purple eyes, wearing a white cloak, taking the hood o...

Close-up on the traveler, Hiro, looking hesitant.

The warrior man joins the children in a game of tag, laughing and running with them.

The band searches through the woods, following the girl's descriptions.

Magician with red and black clothes and his eyes popping out of his head in a cartoon fashion

The warrior man and his band cautiously walking towards the goblins, who are smaller and laughing.

Hades, resolute, steps forward.

Tommy’s the bad boy expression hardens with resolve as he straightens his back.

A few days later, we see Tommy the bad boy and Emily the good girl sitting together on a park bench, looking more relaxe...


Yang, the immortal man looking grim.

Zane removes his hood slightly, revealing only his eyes. They glitter.

deadpool panel in a blue costume fot the detroit lions

They enter a strange forest.

Tall man with red armor and red spikes dripping blood

Hades and Echo walking together, the shadows growing louder.

A hidden grove in the Underworld, with the Shade Whisperers cloaked in ethereal darkness.

Nyx smiles warmly, her eyes filled with admiration.

Hades gently touches the shade, eyes closed in concentration. Images of the shade's past—happy, then tragic—flash in the...

Close-up on baby Hades, looking forlorn. Cronus and Rhea are oblivious, their attention focused on Zeus and Poseidon.

Close-up on baby Hades, looking forlorn. Cronus and Rhea are oblivious, their attention focused on Zeus and Poseidon.

Johnson's face, contorted with anger.

Tommy thinking about what he shared with Marcus. Hope shines in his eyes.

Close-up on the note. A name and address are written in neat, but slightly menacing script.

Close-up on Tommy's the bad boy hand) He nervously hands the item (a small, ornate box) to Maria. His hand trembles slig...

Man with white hair a old dingy robe floating

A pretty girl holding a black cat with yellow green eyes

A shadowy figure peering from behind trees, its eyes glowing menacingly.

The immortal woman Miya stumbles on the rough terrain. Mei the other immortal woman helps her to her feet.

The black orb shatters into dust, light returning to the forest.

Tall white girl with pink hair and pink eyes she’s 🇺🇸

Black tall girl dark green long hair and light green eyes

The two immortal women's, walking away from the centaur village, looking towards a distant horizon.

The fairies look surprised, then relieved. One speaks up.

A clearing in the woods. The warrior man and his band are walking through, laughing and chatting.

The woman turns with a small, satisfied smile as she gestures for the warrior man to follow her back into the jungle.

Yaku the warrior man POV, focusing on the woman from a distance, a small smile forming as he watches her.

Hades and Echo exchange a glance, both looking shocked and moved.